Take a Breath. Name * First Name Last Name Email * Why are you here? What do you think a breath practice will offer you? If you don't know, what do you hope it will offer? * List all of your objectives you have for 2022, and anything else you want in or out of your life (lofty or mundane, it doesn't matter, dump it): Have you ever achieved these objectives and been at this place in your life before? If so, how did you feel? If not, how do you think you will feel when you accomplish them?? Can you commit to 10 minutes of daily breath practice for 8 weeks? Yes No I'm not sure What is your relationship to food? Whats a typical day of food look like? Do you have any physical limitations or injuries? Make one commitment to yourself right now, that will support your objectives, and that you will stick to until the end of this program. Tell me what that is and how you plan to achieve it: (i.e. I will wake up at 5 am, I will say one nice thing to myself every morning, etc) Thank you!